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Page history last edited by Jackie Bryan 4 years, 11 months ago

Welcome to the Saint Leo University IL/QEP Wiki:


QEP & The Library: 

Mapping the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education to the SLU Quality Enhancement Plan





The purpose of the Saint Leo University IL/QEP Wiki is to examine how the library supports the SLU Quality Enhancement Plan. As a first step, the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education developed by the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) were mapped to the components of the SLU Quality Enhancement Plan and rubric.  Once this was completed, Saint Leo University faculty librarians were asked to contribute specific examples of how these information literacy standards are being implemented in the library.


Explanation of Wiki Content and Pages:


Please refer to the wiki pages listed in the "Sidebar" box on the right side of this page:


The QEP/IL page provides a brief overview of the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education and the SLU Quality Enhancement Plan (Critical Thinking + Core Values = Decision Making), as well as the QEP Rubric.


The remaining pages correspond to the components and elements of the QEP Rubric: Critical Thinking (Purpose, Questions, Assumptions, Implications and Consequences, Information, Concepts, Conclusions and Interpretations, Points of View), Core Values, and Decision Making.


     Each of the pages listed above is set up in the following format:

  •      Bold type indicates a performance indicator or outcome from the IL standards that corresponds to an element of the QEP rubric.
  •      Regular type indicates a general statement about how librarians support the performance indicator or outcome.
  •      Italics indicate specific examples of how librarians integrate the performance indicator or outcome in the library. 



Created and Edited by:

Jacalyn Bryan, Reference & Instructional Services Librarian



Janet Franks, Reference Librarian

Mary Anne Gallagher, Reference Librarian (retired)

Elana Karshmer, Instruction Program & Information Literacy Librarian (former)

Carol Ann Moon, Reference & Instructional Outreach Librarian

Doris Van Kampen-Breit, Interim Director, Faculty Development Librarian, University Archives/Special Collections 





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